
2015 D11NR Uniform Powerpoint Presentation
Uniforms Presentation 2015 Powerpoint
U.S. Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center (UDC)
Members can order uniform
Few Auxiliary items available.
1-800-874-6841 or (609) 861-1221
Shop Auxiliary Association
Uniform Accessories: devices, hats, insignia, ribbons
Separate Order Form to FAX or mail:
Women's Tunic
Dee Bee's Tailor Shop
All uniform items available including sew on devices.
2064 Lincoln Ave, Alameda, CA.
Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5PM; Sat, 9:30AM-1PM, (510) 522-1531
The Coast Guard Island Exchange
Basic uniform items, no Auxiliary items
Mon-Sat, 8AM-6PM; Sun, 9AM-3PM, (510) 437-3165
Coast Guard Island Exchange Building, Alameda, CA.
Lucky Bag
For those who wear active duty sizes
Donated uniform items are available for a contribution to the Morale
Bag is located in the gym building, Building 16, Coast Guard Island,
Call for hours (510) 437-3580
Lighthouse Uniform Company
The Lighthouse Signature Line has many sizes available in all uniforms.